Anglický dirigent, aranžér, producent a klavírista
Zdroj dat
Aretha Franklin, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. A Brand new me. [Místo vydání není známé], Rhino Entertainment Company : Warner Music Group Company, [2017]
LC (Names), cit. 2.1.2019 ; autoritní forma, biografické údaje
Email from Robin A. Smith, February 9, 2017 ; (He is responsible for Chemistry, as well as 2012 CD Noah and would prefer Robin A. Smith. "I have also tried Robyn Smith and Robin Youngsmith." Not the same as the co-author of World in tune (no2003127349). [Did not supply either birth date or middle name])
Robin A. Smith WWW site, February 9, 2017 ; (Robin A. Smith; arranger, conductor, keyboard player, composer) |u, cit. 2.1.2019 ; údaje
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