Výsledky vyhledávání

Nalezeno záznamů: 5  
Váš dotaz: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^kl_us_auth 0207158 xodb^"
  1. Tis to create and in creating live : essays in honour of Martin Procházka / edited by Ondřej Pilný and Mirka Horová .  Prague :  Faculty of Arts, Charles University,  2013 .  327 s.   [1, currently available 1]
    Tis to create and in creating live
  2. Prague English studies and the transformation of philologies / edited by Martin Procházka and Ondřej Pilný .  Prague :  Karolinum Press,  2012 .  218 s.   [1, currently available 1]
    Prague English studies and the transformation of philologies
  3. Irony and identity in modern Irish drama / Ondřej Pilný .  Prague :  Litteraria Pragensia,  2006 .  186 s.   [1, currently available 1]
    Irony and identity in modern Irish drama
  4. Time refigured : myths, foundation text and imagined communities / edited by Milan Procházka and Ondřej Pilný .  Praha :  Litteraria Pragensia,  2005 .  382 s.   [1, currently available 1]
    Time refigured
  5. Global Ireland : Irish literatures for the new millennium / edited by Ondřej Pilný & Clare Wallace .  Prague :  Litteraria Pragensia,  2005 .  241 s.   [1, currently available 1]
    Global Ireland

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