Výsledky vyhledávání

Nalezeno záznamů: 16  
Váš dotaz: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^kl_us_auth p0104834 xodb^"
  1. Productivity and trade spillovers: horizontal crowding-out versus vertical synergies in Europe as a response to foreign direct investment / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda, Pavla Vozárová .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2017  45 stran   [1, z toho volných 1]
    Productivity and trade spillovers: horizontal crowding-out versus vertical synergies in Europe as a response to foreign direct investment
  2. Elements of time series econometrics: an applied approach / Evžen Kočenda, Alexandr Černý .  Praha :  Charles University in Prague, Karolinum press,  2015  220 stran   [1, z toho volných 0]
    Elements of time series econometrics: an applied approach
  3. Firm efficiency : domestic owners, coalitions, and FDI / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda, Michal Mašika .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2012 .  28 s.   [1, z toho volných 1]
    Firm efficiency
  4. The identification of price jumps / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda, Jan Novotný .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2011 .  48 s.   [1, z toho volných 1]
    The identification of price jumps
  5. Intraday price discovery in emerging European stock markets / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2009 .  35 s.   [1, z toho volných 0, prezenčně 1]
    Intraday price discovery in emerging European stock markets
  6. The reaction of asset prices to macroeconomic announcements in new EU markets : evidence from intraday data / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda, Ali M. Kutan .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2008 .  28 s.   [1, z toho volných 0, prezenčně 1]
    The reaction of asset prices to macroeconomic announcements in new EU markets
  7. Elements of Time Series Econometrics: An Applied Approach / Evžen Kočenda, Alexandr Černý .  Praha :  Karolinum,  2007 .  226 s.   [1, z toho volných 1]
    Elements of Time Series Econometrics: An Applied Approach
  8. Foreign exchange risk premium determinants : case of Armenia / Tigran Poghosyan, Evžen Kočenda .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2006 .  37 s.   [1, z toho volných 0, prezenčně 1]
    Foreign exchange risk premium determinants
  9. Origin and concentration: corporate ownership, control and performance / Jan Hanousek, Evžen Kočenda, Jan Švejnar .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2005 .  48 s.   [1, z toho volných 0, prezenčně 1]
    Origin and concentration: corporate ownership, control and performance
  10. Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How far, how fast? / Evžen Kočenda, Ali M. Kutan, Taner M. Yigit .  Prague :  CERGE-EI,  2005 .  47 s.   [1, z toho volných 0, prezenčně 1]
    Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How far, how fast?

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